Meeting Time: June 17, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

24 Adoption of the Final 2020-21 Operating Funds Budget (Ordinance S-46715) ***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE MEMO)***

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    Colleen Erickson over 4 years ago

    I hope you hear the people and our overwhelming requests to reallocate the funds from Phoenix PD to services that enhance and help our community. Phoenix is deeply lacking in services that help the homeless community and youth services. Consider using that money to help those who are most vulnerable.

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    Heather Dacus over 4 years ago

    Dispatching militarized police after a crime has ALREADY been committed makes no sense. Paying pensions for police makes no sense. Having the police investigate themselves makes no sense. If any other organization was doing this they would be shut down. Let’s find programs that are proven to lift people and pull them out of a life of desperation. Healthcare, mental care, k-12 + adult education course, food benefits... all of this could be funded instead of police unions.

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    adam hasson over 4 years ago

    I believe that the budget disproportionally shows favor to the police and not to our community / the resources we need to mend the real reasons we even need police to begin with. I’m sick of having to beg for you to support the people in your community instead of spending more money to police them. Fix the budget or the people of this city will vote you out and replace you with someone who is capable of showing some empathy to Phoenix residents.

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    Evan Hallock over 4 years ago

    Please reconsider the reallocation Of funds designated to police for more community service types of programs.

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    Ashley Deam over 4 years ago

    It’s grossly concerning that Phoenix PD is statistically one of the deadliest police forces in the country yet are proposing to increase their budget while Arizona continues to underperform in education compared to the rest of the country. We need to defund Phoenix PD and use the money to invest in our communities and the people within them.

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    Ava Fox over 4 years ago

    Do not allocate funds to the police, allocate them to the people. Defund the police and use those resources for good, like healthcare.

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    Christopher Cuellar over 4 years ago

    As a citizen of Phoenix, I demand the City Council vote NO on the proposed 2020-21 budget. Phoenix should not give 745 million dollars to one of the most violent departments in the nation and continue to be held unaccountable. Further, the Office of Accountability and Transparency should not have its full funding come from federal COVID relief fund while our city deals with an outbreak; rather, it should be funded with part of the 25 million dollar raise Phoenix PD has asked for in their budget.

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    Lindsay Odil over 4 years ago

    I vehemently oppose. I heard the statement from the President of PLEA in response to the ban on chokeholds. He said "If I'm punching a guy and it's not working do I just continue punching him? Or do I have to pull my gun out and kill him?" This speaks VOLUMES of PHX PD's culture. Please reallocate PHX PD’s funds, please look at Camden NJ in 2012 defunding PD’s can be done and successfully. I urge you to listen to the overwhelming demands of your constituents, we are not asking we are demanding!!

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    Moon Gordy over 4 years ago

    Please take this time to realize what community necessities we need and prioritize them over increasing police funding. Caring for the PHX community doesn’t mean higher police funding.

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    Chelsea Frasier over 4 years ago

    As a constituent I demand that the City of Phoenix vote NO on the 2020-2021 budget on 6/17. Instead of continuing to overfund an already incredibly violent police force we must invest in our social services, affordable housing, and public education. Redirecting a substantial portion of the PD budget to these programs will be a step toward creating a stronger foundation of a healthy community.

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    Liz Garland over 4 years ago

    We are demanding that PhxPD be defunded and that their funds are reallocated to services that actually serve the community. Such as education, mental health services, youth programs, afterschool care, adequate housing, and employment opportunities. The police have done nothing but perpetuate laws and motives built by white supremacy and bring sever harm to the BIPOC community. We are demanding you defund the PD. Listen to the people whom you claim to voice and serve. That is your job, so do it.

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    Melyssa Hightower over 4 years ago

    I demand that the City Counsel vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. Phoenix needs more community and economic development and mental health programs, not an increase in police funding. Especially in the middle of a pandemic, only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development is NOT enough. The $745 million spent by the council on policing should be moved towards community and economic development and mental health programs.

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    Eli Bliman over 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Eli Bliman, and I am a Phoenix resident in legislative district #3. I implore you to reject the proposed Phoenix budget. $745 million for the police department does not compute with only $242 million spent towards to housing, human services, and community development. We should invest in programs to actually improve upon the quality of life within the city of Phoenix as a way of combatting crime.

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    Rosa Rivas over 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Rosa Rivas a resident to Phoenix Arizona. I strongly oppose that the Phoenix Police Department be funded the 740 million dollars. With its history of being one of the more lethal policing in our county, which only perpetuating institutional racism in our communities, and time and time again has fails to serve and protect. I believe that we are over funding and graining more power to those who aren’t are not in pistons to help those in need, defunding is urgent!

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    Sara Jalil over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the massive amount of funding that goes to the Phoenix police department. City council needs to cut the budget of the Phoenix police department in half at the very least and allocate the funds towards resources that actually benefit the community, such as social services, education, mental health and addiction services, housing, etc.

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    Emily Snyder over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of Phoenix and I greatly oppose the 2020-21 budget. There needs to be reallocation of funds from the public safety budget to the health and well being of our communities. We can create a better Arizona by supporting our citiens, rather than killing them.

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    Claire Richardson over 4 years ago

    The astronomical increase to the PHXPD included in this budget, on top of their already ludicrous and bloated share, is a direct act of violence, aggression, and apathy by the city towards the communities that it is meant to serve. Since the Phoenix PD has demonstrated not only its utter inability to keep us safe, but to make our city even more dangerous by aggravating crime and profiling and killing BIPOC, I demand that they are defunded and those funds be reinvested into healthy communities.

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    Mary Martany over 4 years ago

    I demand that the City Council vote NO on the 2020-21 budget on June 17th. Phoenix needs more funding for housing, human services, and community development, not an increase in police funding. Especially in the middle of a pandemic, only $242 million to housing, human services, and community development is NOT enough. The $745 million spent by the council on policing should be moved to housing, human services, and community development.

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    Samuel Thomas over 4 years ago

    It is alarming how much of the budget goes toward funding the police at the expense of other social services, especially during a pandemic.

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    Nicole Beiley over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the large amount of money in this budget for the police department. It is not representative of what the people of Phoenix need or want. The money needs to be reallocated to social services, education, housing, youth programs, and other ways to improve our community directly.