Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

62 Public Hearing - Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-SP-2-19-7 - Southeast Corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street (Ordinance G-6799)

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    Miguel Moreno over 3 years ago

    I am a homeowner in central Phoenix and my neighborhood is full of unsheltered individuals and group encampments. I try to help, however I am learning that finding a place for people to go is almost impossible. This is not okay. It's heartbreaking. Every human deserves a home. Expanding shelter in Phoenix is necessary, most importantly to give people the dignity they deserve and also to help local residents who are desperately trying to help these people to find a safe place. Lead with humanity.

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    Victor G over 3 years ago

    I support shelter beds for the homeless.

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    Bhakti Anbarasan over 3 years ago

    This request is for zoning, not more funding. The city can keep people safe and add housing at no cost. The first step to keeping people permanently housed is providing them temporary housing and stability so they can get access to resources (which are easy to access at shelters) and work towards a permanent solution with the safety of knowing they have a place to go. Housing is a human right; say yes, City Council.

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    Beth Fiorenza over 3 years ago

    I work at NourishPHX on 9th Ave & Grant - a food & clothing bank near the campus and we see all of the tents that are here on 9th Ave. The people here need the beds and services to better their lives, get out of the heat and get services if they want them - there are too many people who are hungry and homeless in our beautiful City.

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    Dayna Bailey over 3 years ago

    I support

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    Harper Rowan over 3 years ago

    We desperately need more shelter beds. We have more unsheltered folks accessing services, and they have nowhere to sleep. This is unacceptable. These are human beings who deserve basic human decency including a safe place to sleep.

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    Betsabel Villegas over 3 years ago

    Homelessness is a growing problem and no matter what those individuals are and will continue to be part of this city so they deserve to be helped! Shelter is a basic human right.

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    Xo McAleece over 3 years ago

    We desperately need more shelter beds. We have more unsheltered folks accessing services, and they have nowhere to sleep. This is unacceptable. These are human beings who deserve basic human decency including a safe place to sleep.

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    tessa farrell over 3 years ago

    City Council has an obligation to work for and support all members of this community. Our unsheltered neighbors are in desperate need of further low barrier shelter options/bedding. This last year alone should have taught us all the frailty of life as we know it and how easily any number of Phoenix citizens could find themselves without a residence or home. We must protect our most at-risk populus, it is essential to building an equitable society.

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    Brendan Devlin over 3 years ago

    As human beings, we are called upon to do everything in our power to extend our hand to the most vulnerable. This does that. This helps people. This offers people something stable in an otherwise sporadic lifestyle. These are people with loved ones and family. They matter.

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    Amanda Zacharzuk over 3 years ago

    I am in support of #62 we need more shelter beds

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    Gabriella Saavedra over 3 years ago

    Unsheltered people are part of our community. When we fail the unsheltered, we fail our community.

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    Caroline Lobo over 3 years ago

    Residents & businesses in the affected Neighborhood have put in an inordinate amount of time to protect the fabric of their neighborhood and vitality of the businesses that operate there. They are empathetic to the situation that we are all in and are willing to compromise with the Planning Commission stipulations. With your decision, I urge you to set a good example for the rest of the City.
    Caroline Lobo
    Sunnyslope Resident | Business Owner

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    amanda Morales over 3 years ago

    I am in support of Item #62. I believe in adding more beds for the shelter less population of Phoenix. I am particularly in support of adding a low barrier shelter option to the Andre House

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    Lara Plecas over 3 years ago

    Please provide more resources for our unsheltered in Phoenix. Homelessness is a growing problem and is at an all time high. These individuals need shelter and protection from this harsh environment.

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    Andrea Soto over 3 years ago

    Rezoning is a terrible tactic used against the homeless. If this issue does not get addressed then it raises concern on the morals of this city and view on basic human rights. People sleeping on the streets should not be normalcy . It’s a simple request for beds that will make a huge difference. I support the effort of doing at least that. These individuals cannot even attend this hearing which goes to show their vulnerability and importance of their voices being heard.

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    Vanessa Garcia over 3 years ago

    I support this. We need to protect and uplift our most vulnerable. It could just as easily have been one of us with how things went last year, let’s not lose sight of how quickly the world can change for a working family.

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    Hayley Platt over 3 years ago

    Those suffering from homelessness are still members of this city and deserve to be supported and advocated for by its leadership. Beds and a safe place to sleep are a human right.

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    Lauren Corallo over 3 years ago

    I support this item, housing is a basic human right.

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    Debbie Faillace over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose the expansion of the campus! We need shelters throughout the valley. This small neighborhood cannot take on any more of this distraction, crime, filth etc.