Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

62 Public Hearing - Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-SP-2-19-7 - Southeast Corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street (Ordinance G-6799)

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    Alexandra Lesnik over 3 years ago

    Please support this item, especially the low barrier shelter at Andre House. ALL people deserve to be sheltered, including those that don’t fit into a traditional shelter environment. This is how we help people get housed. The city is being offered a solution by private service providers. It’s time to do the right thing and approve the plan that will save lives. It’s really not that hard, and the city is being asked to do very little so others can step up. Make the right choice.

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    Lizeth Escalante over 3 years ago

    I strongly support adding shelter beds at Andre House. Homelessness has been on the rise way before we were hit with Covid, and now more people are losing their jobs, losing their homes and our homeless brothers/sisters need access to basic human needs, like sleeping on a bed.

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    Donna Walkuski over 3 years ago

    I urge the council to adopt Item #62. Human Services Campus, Saint Vincent de Paul and Andre House have tirelessly worked in good faith to offer this small stopgap solution to a much larger problem. The urgent needs of so many of our shelterless neighbors require so much more than than this measure but I'm grateful the city has this opportunity to offer safety and support to a greater portion of those who need it.

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    Pedro Gomez over 3 years ago

    Shelter is a common-sense human right and no one should ever be deprived of one.

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    Linnea Kerber over 3 years ago

    Andre House has been serving the Arizona community for years. In order to expand that service, they need to expand their bed count. Don’t reject the opportunity to give more of our Arizona residents shelter and hope for the future!

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    Erin Moore over 3 years ago

    Please support this bill to increase shelter beds.

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    Karen Olson over 3 years ago

    Shelter beds have been needed and will continue to be needed for folks that are part of our community. They deserve a justice system that treats them as the human beings they are in every way possible. I support additional shelter beds as one way we show up for our community members today.

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    Tina Luna over 3 years ago

    I work in this area. I have for almost eight years now. My office is at W Jefferson and 15th Ave. I see and interact with our houseless brothers and sisters often, sometimes just walking to the sandwich shop or on a trip downtown on the dash. I am 100% in favor of adding shelter beds and food services in this area. It would improve lives, save money for the city and reduce harm.

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    Jason Odhner over 3 years ago

    As a homeowner in the Woodland district just a few blocks from "the zone", I strongly support the push for more beds including the proposed low barrier shelter at Andre House.

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    Corey Bailey over 3 years ago

    Shelter is a basic human right and I support this item!

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    Jessica Call over 3 years ago

    I urge the counsel to approve adding beds in support of our unsheltered community.

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    Julia Goldstein over 3 years ago

    Please do the moral thing. These beds will be life-changing for our houseless brothers and sisters.

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    Veronica Wollenzier over 3 years ago

    Why are we still talking about this City Council??! Housing is a human right! Our neighbors who sleep in the zone deserve so much more than just shelter beds, but let’s start there.

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    As far as item 62 I think we need more than just 500 more beds! For item 63: This place has been here a long time you can huff & puff & them boys (cops) still gonna be down here. The police come & arrest us for no reason other than being homeless which makes getting off the streets even harder. When your homeless you don't have no civil rights. The zone to me is a prison but with no resources all they gonna do is send me to another prison if this goes through; just another day but it's immoral.

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    As I sweep & Clean on 5th and madison my response to item 62 and the way it looks down here is we need more resources such as the 500 more beds; showers day and night for everyone; more dumpsters; and port a potties at least 5 of them on 5th and madison. As far as item 63 security alone is already crazy and threatening peoples lives let alone the cops who already harass us. We don't need more cops to threaten and arrest us.

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    I'm for the beds but then what? We need more resources than that. We need a whole new structure, attitude, and resources to help homelessness in Phoenix. These policy makers seem to be bafoons.

    Moving the people out doesn't solve the issue I mean where do they go somewhere else? It's like putting a band aid on a gunshot wound.

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    Item 62 Provide More Beds. item 63 Thats Cold Man!

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    Jane Doe over 3 years ago

    It's all economics we need jobs, housing, resources, etc. More taxes we pay should fund these proposed beds. We instead shouldn't be considering selling our streets and sidewalk which are investments of our taxes to private corporations for no other reason to punish the poor! Why not put some of that money into our communities?

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    I have a family and a dog. I was an electrician. I had it all but got injured. Now I'm here along with my brother we buy and sell to provide resources to others here. I'm against criminalizing homelessness instead I'm for more beds and resources that's whats needed not arrests.

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    Johanna Haygood over 3 years ago

    Shelter is a human right. Period.