Meeting Time: February 03, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

62 Public Hearing - Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-SP-2-19-7 - Southeast Corner of 13th Avenue and Madison Street (Ordinance G-6799)

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    I come to "the zone" for supplies including food, water, and warmth. I was sent here when I relapsed I have no where else to go. Forget this we need more beds not persecution.

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    Item 63 just isn't right there just stuck here there just homeless a lot of souls will be affected if this goes through. I am in support of item 62 to provide more resources and beds for homeless individuals.

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    This place "the zone" helped me move forward but, I'd still like to see more people get into beds it's just better.

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    John Doe over 3 years ago

    The Police come & arrest us from the area like bullies I don't like bullies they control our movement to keep us here in the "zone" but then come and arrest us... My screws are getting looser every day but God keeps me intact. I support more housing (beds) for us out here; I mean where is our funding?

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    Andrea Little over 3 years ago

    Shelter is a human right and homelessness should not be criminalized. I strongly support the addition of more shelter beds, as this is the bare minimum for our unsheltered community.

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    Shamika Moore over 3 years ago

    I support rezoning for additional shelter beds. The Zone encampment is full of people who fall through the cracks of our current system, and deserve a safe place to exist without fear of harassment from police or other community members.

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    Alexis Bernal over 3 years ago

    A vote against 62 would not only maintain the dangerous status quo for unsheltered individuals but also continue the longstanding antagonistic treatment of them by the City of Phoenix. Instead, Phoenix can be a pioneer in treating ALL of its constituents with dignity and respect by supporting 62. Moreover, it is your duty and responsibility to help create and maintain a society in which ALL of your constituents, including and especially the most vulnerable, can be safe and taken care of.

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    Samantha Graves over 3 years ago

    Housing should be a human right. There is more than enough resources to share with our houseless neighbors, the individuals who need it the most.

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    Mary Martiniak over 3 years ago

    Please approve adding low barrier shelter for the unhoused folks in our community. This is a long overdue. This past year has been brutal to our most vulnerable, and summer is coming. There is no time to waste.

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    Jekyll Lewis over 3 years ago

    Say no to super shelters

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    Kelly West over 3 years ago

    The City of Phoenix needs small local shelters.

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    Diana Covia over 3 years ago

    I oppose this massive shelter

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    Matt Debaka over 3 years ago

    the Planning Commission's extra stipulations are well founded.

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    Kathleen Araiza over 3 years ago

    Restful sleep is essential for every human. Restful sleep can not happen on concrete. I support an increase of shelter beds for our unsheltered residents.

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    Therin Carr over 3 years ago

    More low-barrier shelter beds are desperately needed, and they shouldn't have been removed from the proposal in the first place.

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    Michael Ritchie over 3 years ago

    I support having more shelter beds. Our homeless population is growing and having more shelter beds will help increase our capability to help those in need.

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    Julia Blois over 3 years ago

    It’s simple - the addition of shelter beds will be life saving. More than 500 of your constituents died unsheltered last year. Tomorrow, 9 of you have the opportunity to say yes to the unsheltered residents of Phoenix who are asking for a place to rest at night. Each has a name, a laugh... as a neighbor and a friend of many unsheltered people downtown, I implore you to approve #62. Who will you choose to serve with your vote? Would you rather more beds or more deaths? Lives are in your hands.

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    Mark Drozt over 3 years ago

    I fully support more shelter beds our community is in desperate need for as many as we can get.

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    Lucero Gonzalez Alvarado over 3 years ago

    Housing is a human right. As a social worker working with homeless families, I understand how shelter is vital to the progress unto independence. Andre House is especially a vital organization working to serve a vulnerable population, like individuals experiencing homelessness. As a community we are responsible to protect and serve everyone who is in our community.

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    Alesia Copeland over 3 years ago

    I am in full support of adding more shelter beds in the zone. The city must stop dragging its feet and provide aid to our unhoused residents now. Every person in our community deserves access to basic necessities, like housing. Please support our community by providing them with what they need instead of taking what little they have away.